
Charity Church - The Church That Christ Built  in Fayetteville, North Carolina (USA)

Apostle V. Pearson & Prophetess B. Pearson


The conclusion is simple:  But as many as receive Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name – John 1:12

ICA - Internationale Christliche Allianz e.V.


ICA ist eine Verbindung von Pastoren und Leitern aus dem Rhein-Main-Gebiet, die über die Wände der eigenen Gemeinde hinaus Einfluss auf die Stadt und die Region ausüben möchten.



Die Evangelische Allianz in Hanau ist Teil der Deutschen Evangelischen Allianz, die wiederum Teil der Weltweiten Evangelischen Allianz ist. Die Evangelische Allianz versteht sich als ein Bund von Christusgläubigen, die verschiedenen christlichen Kirchen, Gemeinden und Gruppen angehören. In ihr pflegen Christen – über ihre Zugehörigkeit zur eigenen Gemeinde hinaus – Gemeinschaft mit anderen Christen aus anderen Denominationen.  Die Hanauer Allianz ist eine Einheitsbewegung. Einheit ist uns wichtig. Wir trennen zwischen Einheit und Vereinheitlichung. Es geht um Einheit in Vielfalt. Wir sind Christen aus unterschiedlichen Gemeinden in Hanau und doch gehören wir zusammen, weil wir zu Christus gehören. Gemeinsam sind wir bunter, vielfältiger und vollständiger.


Revival, Restoration, Renewal with a world wide vision:  BE EQUIPPED * BE TRAINED * BE ACTIVATED *BE RELEASED!

The vision is international and is a part of building the Kingdom of God. We are entering into a new season of expansion and want to share what is and has been happening. For over two decades Gabriele Gilpin has traveled to cities, regions and nations around the globe to encourage, equip and empower leaders using biblical training, passionate preaching and activation through the gifts of the Holy Spirit with demonstration of the power of God.

The International Ministers Fellowship is a network of ministers of the gospel across the globe who share a common passion for holiness, yielding to the Holy Spirit for leadership and empowerment and recognition that fellowship with like minded co-labourers is central to gaining divine approval. It is thus a living, loving network of like-minded ministers of the gospel who share a passion for intimacy with the Lord and genuine relationship with each other for accountability in an increasingly hostile world. Originally known as Arise Ministries International, the fellowship was founded by Apostle Vance and Debbie Russell who operate in the ascension gifting of Apostle and Prophet through which the Lord uses them mightily to activate gifts and callings of His servants. They oversee Arise Christian Fellowship in Austin, Texas.  From a handful of ministers, the network of ministers was divinely multiplied to enfold over 2,000 people in 32 countries by 2004.

Dosintha Ministries was founded by Albert and Iris Chisolm, to serve people of all ages that find themselves lost and without their God given purpose in the earth. We aim to bring as many as possible into a loving, intimate relationship with God the Father through the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and escort them into His will and purposes for their lives. It is our faith and belief that no one is here on earth by accident—you were created with a purpose! Our deep heart’s cry is to see children, youth, and young adults of this generation blossom spiritually and walking in their God given purpose. One young person connected to the Father’s heart means many more coming into this beautiful communion with Him through their testimony and service. They will not only be fruitful and productive but a blessing to multitudes in the earth.  We bring our message of intimacy with the Father Heart of God through workshops, camps, and one-on-one ministry. Our methods are practical and aim at revolutionizing worship—loving and living for God.


Sind die Mysterien der Vorzeit wirklich geschehen? Gab es eine Sintflut? Was passiert mit unserer Welt? Steht das wirklich in der Bibel? Ist die Apokalypse eine Fabel oder eine erschreckende Wahrheit die sich vor unseren Augen aufbaut? Gesammelte Prophetien und Visionen werden hier erläutert.